I wonder if all of these events are the beginnings of a transformation of our society.
Feminism may have been a necessary stage. The unbridled fury of gynocentrism made manifest in a social movement that put forth the very worst of human sexism seems to have been the faciliator of the growth of the men's rights movement, the men going their own way philosophy, and the unnamed reactions of men and women who see the injustice and bigotry that has infused our society.
People react. They accuse. They point fingers and stamp their feet. Some write books about men going on strike, and protest the unfeeling and unfair treatment of men. The traditonalists moan and weep over their imaginary "better days", and the feminists reach for ever more ludicrous examples of oppression that make the public wonder what the hell they're talking about.
Meanwhile, a few intellectually brave people are getting a glimpse of these portents for what they are. A metamorphosis of our societey from one that is a slave to our biological and social heritage, to one that is fully aware of the nature of men and women. A society that truly treats all human beings as human beings. Unfettered by our preconceptions and expectations. One that recognizes our foibles and predilections and rises above them. A world where men and women are united, perhaps for the very first time, in the wonder of seeing each other for what they are, and not what we hope or fear they may be.