Sunday, February 2, 2014

Getting paid to masturbate.

There's a lot of great comment about Laci Green's latest video "SEX OBJECT BS", but I think Razor Blade Kandy knocked it out of the park.

Original video:

RBK's response video:

RBK makes long videos, and he uses a text to speech synth, but it's worth watching all the way through. He tears her video apart, and makes some good jokes along the way.

The thing I wanted to blog about, is that RBK at one point makes the observation that Laci's success is nothing more than the softcore version of masturbating on cam for money. Now, as an *ahem* watcher of porn from time to time, I have come across videos of women doing just that. They set up some kind of account and men will PAY THEM MONEY to go at it with a dildo or whatnot. I'm not the one paying, I watch these vids after they're put up on the net for free afterwards.
But doesn't that tell you something? Men will pay women to just watch them play with their genitals. It's a bit like paid phone sex lines too. For a society that's supposed to be so misogynistic, there certainly seem to be an awful lot of guys willing to throw money at women just for the most threadbare fantasies that they're in some kind of sexual intimacy with them. If they just wanted to watch women masturbate and jack off to it, I can tell you there's lots of free stuff available for that. No, they're wanting something much more. To connect with a woman intimately. And they're desperate enough to pay money to pretend that that's what they're doing.

Anyway, here's some more commentary on Laci Green's vile, hypocritical video. Just think kids, she's actually speaking on sex issues at schools. No wonder society is so fucked up.

John the Other:

Chazwold Almighty:

Honey Badger Radio:

Victor Zen:

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