Saturday, May 31, 2014

He said Cunt.

The AVFM conference is in jeopardy due to death threats against the Detroit Hilton where the conference is scheduled to take place.

I've watched a few vids, and read a few articles, like this one

This comment especially caught my attention. (No screenshots, my net connection is poor where I'm at right now, and it causes problems when I try to upload images.)

Avian Donn (aviandonn)


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Sisters, don't stand outside the conference with your little protest signs. Buy tickets and get in there. Listen to what's being said and challenge - as in debate, not randomly disrupt - as necessary. Trying to stop the conference makes you look thin-skinned, overly PC and censorial.

Sorry, but I was a pretty radical feminist in the sixties and seventies and attended conferences where women really vented their rage against men and it wasn't pretty. I don't remember a single time that men demanded that the place we were meeting cancel the conference. Sometimes they infiltrated and argued like crazy, or taunted or did get disruptive, sometimes they stood outside and taunted, but they never tried to shut the conference down. We can at least return that.

This is a very equalitarian viewpoint. If women have the right to get pissed off about men and society, then why can't men get pissed off about women and society?
Arguments about patriarchal privilege can go fuck off right now.

For illustration, I'll go ahead and post some infamous feminist quotes now.

The male is a biological accident: the y(male) gene is an incomplete x(female) gene, that is, has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion.... To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.  - Valerie Solanas

Only when manhood is dead - and it will perish when ravaged femininity no longer sustains it - only then will we know what it is to be free. - Andrea Dworkin

Think about the double standard.

(No, Paul Elam didn't say cunt in that quoted article. I'm using the phrase to illustrate the pearl clutching over men saying naughty things.)

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