Sunday, December 29, 2013

Intersectionality is a bunch of hogs fighting over the slop in the troph.

Academic feminism is so full of buzzwords and doublespeak. Today's word is Intersectionality.

Crenshaw coined the term as an explanation of why black and immigrant women's experiences ended up being ignored by both feminism and the anti-racist movement.

Huh. I've got an explanation. Feminism is dominated by middle class white women, and the issues of minorities are only a concern as in their usefulness to feminism to get more victim power.

If feminism doesn't actively recognise that there are a lot of women whose most pressing concerns aren't boardroom representation and lingerie football, the movement is going to carry on alienating itself from those most in need of assistance.

From the piggie's mouth. Feminism doesn't care about equality or justice, unless you're a white woman.

So why is it taking so long for mainstream feminists to follow? Why are discussions of race, class, and disability within feminism so often characterised as infighting, or sideshows to the main event? Could it be that, for some strange reason, marginalised women's experiences with intersectionality and its usefulness are systematically ignored and discredited?

Interesting choice of words. Feminism is about leveraging the value of victimhood in order to gain power and resources for itself. Feminists recognize the higher victim value of being a minority woman, and want that victimhood for themselves. Intersectionality is their Orwellian attempt to co-opt the issues of minorites into feminism, and make it available for all women.

And just because the Animal Farm reference is glaring at this point.

Friday, December 27, 2013

VAWA? No thanks.

The very name is sexist. Violence Against Women Act. Half of domestic violence is reciprocal (both sides are abusive) and of the other half, woman make up the majority of abusers.

Portraying violence as an act perpetrated by men, and with women as the victims, ignores the need for violent women to get treatment, and for their victims, male and female to get the help they need.

We don't need VAWA. We need policies about domestic violence that also aknowledge female perpetrators, and male victims. We need to provide a range of services that address same-sex domestic violence, and provide services to ALL victims that address their needs. This has been known for decades, just ask Erin Pizzey. But society and government still trundles on missing half it's wheels in addressing only one side of the problem.

Monday, December 23, 2013

MRA's never really do anything.

This comment pop up pretty frequently. After people grudgingly admit that men can have problems, they then point to the MRM and accuse them of only complaining.

Erin Pizzey spent her life setting up shelters for victims of domestic abuse. She was in the process of trying to get funding for men as well as women, when domestic violence was hijacked by feminists. This woman has been working for men's issues since before a lot of people were even born, and she continues to fight, having become a part of AVFM's team. She works to raise awareness for male victims of domestic violence, and to remove the stain created by feminist dogma against men in domestic violence issues.

Warren Farrell was an active feminist who saw that the movement was working from flawed data, and in 2009, attempted to create a White House Council on boys and men. To address their issues in education and the courts. Warren Farrell has tried for many years to address the social inequalties that men and boys face, to some pretty stiff feminist opposition.

Paul Elam was an addiction councilor whose experiences with feminist ideals influencing the mental health profession drove him to become a prominent MRA, and the founder of A Voice for Men.

AVFM has a Judicial Accountability Committee that attempts to provide assistance for men who are having issues in the courts. AVFM has recently extended an offer to help the son of Amy MacPherson, who was falsely accused of rape, and continues to be harrassed by the legal system.

This is just a short list, off the cuff. The advocacy for men and boys is a big issue, that continues to be denigrated and/or denied by the main stream media, and internet pundits. "There's no problems, and even if there are, feminism has them covered. You priviliged men can just shut up now."

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Paul Elam and Charles Clymer debate.

Here is a man willing to sell out other men for a pat on the head from women.

This is what we're up against.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Here is your patriarchy.,_Private_Property_and_the_State

In order to have a revolution, you have to have a proletariat, and a bourgeoisie. Early feminsts cast women in the role of proletariat, and men as the bourgeoisie. They created a class conflict out of whole cloth, and that is why feminism is hostile to men, and why feminisim is not about equality. It is a political movement for the benefit of women only.

The patriacrhy, as interpreted by feminists, is an imaginary construct, relying on women's insecurities and the shaming of men, to garner more and more power for women, by casting men, all men, as the villians. Women are driven to fight this imaginary version of patriarchy, and men are shamed into giving women what they ask for, lest they be seen as one of these villians. But they can never escape that shame, because without a villian, feminism will have no "gas" to power it's "engine". It will never end.

This is your brain on feminism.

Joss Whedon recently made a speech at the Make Equality Reality event.

I find this sadly hilarious. It seems the impetus for his speech is Katy Perry's famous words at her acceptance speech for her Billboard award.

My take on it is, that Katy Perry, a successful woman, who seems mostly liberal in her views, shorted out poor Joss' brain. I'm reminded of the scene from the original Star Trek series, Mudd's Women.

I suppose Typhon Blue might call this a dueling threat narrative.

If he disagrees with Perry, he's going against a liberal woman, if he goes against feminism, he's going against a group of liberal women. Chaos ensues. He frantically churns up some doublethink and doublespeak to quell the smoke coming out of his ears.

I don't know Katy Perry's thoughts on feminism. Maybe she's red pill, maybe she's a blue piller who just doesn't like the connotations of feminism. It would be awesome if she came out with some red pill reasons for her statement in a future interview.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Broken men

I recently started watching Sparkyfister's videos. Though they're all good, I want to bring this one up specifically.

This femnist-ally guy's will has been broken so badly. It's tragic.

I'll let Typhon Blue lay it all out, since she does it so well.

Feminism has created a threat narrative so powerful, that some men have had their wills completely broken.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Hopefully I'll only have to make the one blog post on the tragedy of Manboobz.

A site dedicated to the "misogyny" of the manosphere. Lately he's had lots of material, and for good reason. AVFM have turned up the rhetoric to... I'd say about an 8. (They could go higher, but then probably tip over into real misogyny.) Not realizing that the only way to get people to even pay attention to men's issues
David Futrelle focuses on the surface stuff. The postponing of the 20/20 interview with Paul Elam, the farcical Patriarchy Party... and in the meanwhile, the main AVFM website have been running articles by Dr. Tara Palmatier, featuring men whose lives have been ruined by the abuse of restraining orders, false accsuations, and domestic violence done against men.
 David Futrelle, and other critics of the Men's Rights Movmement often ask "What have they actually done for men?" missing that organizations like NOW get big funding from the government, while Earl Silverman spent decades trying to get support for men's shelters in Canada, all the while getting slapped down by a government and society that simply didn't give a shit. 
No one will be able to get anything done* until enough noise is made so that people have to pay attention.

So yeah, yuk it up, David. Just keep putting links in those articles, so people can head on over to AVFM and see for themselves what's really going on.

*Some of the people associated with AVFM have helped with some issues, like Joel Kirk. Sadly it's a drop in the bucket. But every drop helps fill it up.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The sad truth about men.

We are invisible. Society expects men to be the laborers, the front line soldiers, the guys who work in snow and sleet and rain. And people don't even notice, because it's always been that way.

Anytime men as a group try to stand up and speak out, they're silenced and told to "Man up", to "Check their privilege". Men are seen as the protectors and providers, not the ones who may need protection and provision.

Decades of working to bring men's issues to light have been met with scorn, or more likely, indifference. People. Simply. Do. Not. Care.

"It is no use appealing to their sense of honour or justice. They will only respond and take notice if you threaten their power." - George Orwell

So in order to be heard, men must threaten the powers that be. So the next time you hear an MRA say something outrageous, remember that if they didn't say something outrageous, you wouldn't have heard them at all.


Steven Yeun on Conan O'Brien.

Maybe instead of asking what's wrong with men, women should be asking themselves what's wrong with women.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Rape hysteria.

Women’s Rights Activist Charged With Rape Threat Hoax On Facebook
Not a new article, it's from may of 2013. But I was just made aware of it, and wanted to repost.

Activist feminism has become an engine of outrage. And if there's nothing to outrage over, some women will make it up on their own. The bludgeon of rape threats get you attention and sympathy, and furthers your agenda. Meanwhile, women are taught to fear men, and men are taught that they are predators. It's a never ending cycle of fear and hate.

Most men get their identity from women.

And it's dangerous.

How often is the hero in popular media, news and fiction, the one saving women? Quite often, I'd say. There seems to be an innate desire in men to serve women. To be useful. And being her hero is the apex of this desire.

But it's dangerous. It's dangerous when a man defines himself by how he is useful to women, because he then lacks his own identity. And if that identity is taken from him, say in a divorce, you get men who have nothing left, and are vastly more likely to commit suicide.
But it's also a lever to manipulate the man from within a relationship. The threat of losing that identity can be terrifying, and leads to all kinds of degredation.

How humiliating is being treated like a child for a grown man? I'll say that after reading the blog of the woman in question, that I hope this was simply a joke for Facebook, and not something she seriously implemented. But it does illuminate, in a joking way, the threat that women hold over men to take away their identity. To hold it ransom for "acceptable" behavior. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Star Wars turns boys into rapists.

Colin Stokes TED talk video.

Ok. The dude doesn't like action movies. His son does though. But that's not enough for Colin. He launches into a harangue about how bad action movies are for boys, and how much Wizard of Oz teaches better values.

Then he brings up the Bechdel Test. Want to know another movie that passes the Bechdel Test? Showgirls.

So far, it's simply annoying. But at 8:35, he drops the rape bomb. He claims that an article in Newsweek said that 1 in 5 women were the victims of sexual assault in their lifetimes. Sounds like the 1 in 4 claim to me. But what really bothered me is his attempt to create a Threat Narrative. "I don't think that's the fault of popular entertainment"... and yet he goes on to strongly insinuate just that. He brings in the specter of rape, to justify his opinion. Dude. Don't let your kids watch Star Wars. That's fine. But don't tell me what to show my kids, and especially don't use rape as a bludgeon to Force people to agree with you.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Divorce Industry

Alimony and Child Support have got to go, or at the very least, get heavily reformed. This stuff made sense back in a patriarchal system, but women are expected to work nowadays. They've been given the "freedom" to be wage slaves, and now need to take the consumate responsibiltiy.

Divorce and child support are a lucrative business. Billions of dollars every year change hands, and the government takes it's cut of every dollar.

Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family.

Not even considering ridiculous crap like hollywood divorces, which are simply disgusting money grabs.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The fundamental source of the conflict.

"Feminism is equality."
"Why aren't you a feminist?"
"Feminism helps men too!"

In order to understand the conflict, we have to dig a little deeper than that. The media, our politicans, our police and our society have been deeply affected by the efforts of feminism for decades.
It's all over the place. Young men in college are told, point blank that they're rapists. Or potential rapists.

How would a woman feel if she were told every day "Don't be that woman, don't abuse children." 53.6% of child abusers are women, but this isn't thrown in women's faces every day. Screaming it at them from posters and flyers and television public service announcements. Feminists claim that they don't hate men, but the efforts in the media and the actions of society tell a very different tale, that they consider men, as a gender, to be abusers who have to be reminded not to abuse.

Until the majority of feminists can let go of portraying men as default perpetrators, their claims to be about equality are just a smokescreen. They don't hate men, but they do hate men who don't fall into line like good little feminists.