Sunday, January 26, 2014

The treadmill.

Not directly men's rights, but something I found interesting in the line of MGTOW philosophy.

I find this concept interesting. As the treadmill of earning more to spend more trundles on, I think people have lost sight of why they're earning this money. I'm not poor, but my lifestyle is definitley more frugal than most people I've known.

The specifics of extreme early reitrement seem contentious, like being able to react to medical emergengies, and the additional costs of having children, if one desires.

But the questioning of an earn and spend lifestyle I find a very good point. Our consumer driven society presents a relatively extravagant lifestyle compared to what is possible. A critical look at what our time and money are going towards is an excellent idea. And this EER philosophy is looking outside the box, which I like.

And a good point was made in a comment on one of the articles I read. That eventually more and more people are going to be forced into an EER lifestyle, and it's better to anticipate and prepare for it, than to go crashing into a 12K (or less) a year lifestyle.

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