Sunday, January 19, 2014

Who is Chad Nine?

I thought I'd put down a little bit about myself, and my entry into the concept of Men's Rights.

Firstly I'm an atheist and consider myself a skeptic. I have read stuff by Michael Shermer, Carl Sagan, and used to follow the Atheist Experience on youtube. So when PZ Meyers made his 3rd hand accusations about Michael Shermer, I was a bit distressed. I wanted to believe that Michael Shermer didn't do these things, but I also consider rape and sexual harasment a serious issue. But what really bugged me is the underhanded nature of the accusation. How could a skeptical community accept a 3rd hand accusation, with no evidence? This sat in the back of my head while watching some Atheist Experience videos on youtube. Youtube puts reccomendations on the side bar of videos, and one of these recommendations was by Karen Straughan, AKA Girl Writes What.

She made some interesting points, but most of all I was intrigued by the idea of a female Men's Rights Activist. Up until that point, I imagine I had the mental image that most people have of Men's Rights. Loser guys who hate women and bitch about them. My curiosity was piqued, and so I delved into more of Karen Straughan's videos. I then moved on to stuff by Janice Fiamengo, Warren Farrell, and Erin Pizzey. I found that the issue of Men's Rights went far deeper that I had imagined.

By that point, I had avoided watching many videos by men in the Men's Rights Movement, because I had a subconscious feeling about how fairly I'd view them. My first real MRM video was by Jerry the Other.

I then moved on to Barbarossa, and Stardusk, ManWomanMyth and others. I was willing to listen at this point, and while I don't agree with every detail, the broad strokes rang true, and I'd been converted.

I don't consider myself a Men's Rights Activist, since I haven't actually done any activism. I do consider myself a Men's Rights Advocate, since I agree with the core ideas and try to engage with them online.
At this point, I created a new online handle for myself. Chad Nine, or sometimes Chad Smith when the registration for a site bitches about my alias. I was a bit paranoid at first, about people I know finding out about my interest in Men's Rights and being ostracised, but I've become a bit more relaxed about the subject. Still, I prefer to remain behind the Chad Nine alias for a while.

Otherwise I consider myself a typical guy. I have nerdy pursuits like RPGs and miniature wargaming, video games, reading and watching sci fi and fantasy books and movies. I work in the computer technology field, doing software QA and have quite a lot of experience in video games QA.

I've got a twitter account, a blog and a youtube channel that I use to follow my interests both on MRM topics and other topics that interest me. My Chad Nine persona is mostly for when I'm following and discussing MRM topics.

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