A site dedicated to the "misogyny" of the manosphere. Lately he's had lots of material, and for good reason. AVFM have turned up the rhetoric to... I'd say about an 8. (They could go higher, but then probably tip over into real misogyny.) Not realizing that the only way to get people to even pay attention to men's issues
David Futrelle focuses on the surface stuff. The postponing of the 20/20 interview with Paul Elam, the farcical Patriarchy Party... and in the meanwhile, the main AVFM website have been running articles by Dr. Tara Palmatier, featuring men whose lives have been ruined by the abuse of restraining orders, false accsuations, and domestic violence done against men.
David Futrelle, and other critics of the Men's Rights Movmement often ask "What have they actually done for men?" missing that organizations like NOW get big funding from the government, while Earl Silverman spent decades trying to get support for men's shelters in Canada, all the while getting slapped down by a government and society that simply didn't give a shit.
No one will be able to get anything done* until enough noise is made so that people have to pay attention.
So yeah, yuk it up, David. Just keep putting links in those articles, so people can head on over to AVFM and see for themselves what's really going on.
*Some of the people associated with AVFM have helped with some issues, like Joel Kirk. Sadly it's a drop in the bucket. But every drop helps fill it up.