We are invisible. Society expects men to be the laborers, the front line soldiers, the guys who work in snow and sleet and rain. And people don't even notice, because it's always been that way.
Anytime men as a group try to stand up and speak out, they're silenced and told to "Man up", to "Check their privilege". Men are seen as the protectors and providers, not the ones who may need protection and provision.
Decades of working to bring men's issues to light have been met with scorn, or more likely, indifference. People. Simply. Do. Not. Care.
"It is no use appealing to their sense of honour or justice. They will only respond and take notice if you threaten their power." - George Orwell
So in order to be heard, men must threaten the powers that be. So the next time you hear an MRA say something outrageous, remember that if they didn't say something outrageous, you wouldn't have heard them at all.
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