Saturday, October 19, 2013

Most men get their identity from women.

And it's dangerous.

How often is the hero in popular media, news and fiction, the one saving women? Quite often, I'd say. There seems to be an innate desire in men to serve women. To be useful. And being her hero is the apex of this desire.

But it's dangerous. It's dangerous when a man defines himself by how he is useful to women, because he then lacks his own identity. And if that identity is taken from him, say in a divorce, you get men who have nothing left, and are vastly more likely to commit suicide.
But it's also a lever to manipulate the man from within a relationship. The threat of losing that identity can be terrifying, and leads to all kinds of degredation.

How humiliating is being treated like a child for a grown man? I'll say that after reading the blog of the woman in question, that I hope this was simply a joke for Facebook, and not something she seriously implemented. But it does illuminate, in a joking way, the threat that women hold over men to take away their identity. To hold it ransom for "acceptable" behavior. 

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